We are prepared to offer customized solutions that meet the needs of growth, modernization and even relocation and consolidation of your operations, aligned with the short, medium and long-term strategic planning of your company.

With a team of more than 70 global Real Estate experts and more than 14,000 Supply Chain experts in Mexico, we help market-leading companies to boost their business in a sustainable way.

We know that you are in a constant search to optimize your operations and adapt them to an ever-changing market. Nearshoring has become a key strategy for many companies, as it allows them to relocate or expand their operations in Mexico, taking advantage of geographical proximity, thus reducing costs and risks. 
Real Estate Solutions Image 1
Not only are we aware of rising trends, but we also implement them to offer you warehouses located in strategic locations, alongside flexible solutions that will take your business to the highest levels of productivity.

Get end-to-end solutions in strategic locations with state-of-the-art warehouses that feature flexible configurations tailored to your needs and ready to operate from storage, inventory management, distribution, and other value-added services.

Our spaces are designed with sustainability initiatives, operational synergy, and availability of a skilled workforce, ready to operate!
(Tijuana, Baja California)

State-of-the-art warehouse with an area of 20,000 m² located near important access roads such as: Tijuana-Mexicali Highway, Tijuana-Tecate Highway and Otay Commercial Port of Entry with connection to the border with San Diego, U.S. 
Location: Tijuana, BC.
Download the Fact Sheet here:
(Nuevo León –Monterrey Area)

State-of-the-art warehouse with 50,000m² of available area in a strategic logistics location which connects with the Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo highway, one of the most important access roads in the north of the country with connection to Texas, U.S.
Mega Campus
(State of Mexico)

With an area of +200,000m², Mega Campus T-Mex is strategically located in Mexico City's Northern Area, adjacent to the Felipe Ángeles International Airport and with accessibility to the most important logistics hubs in the country (Querétaro, Puebla, Pachuca, and Toluca).
Location: Ciénega de Flores, NL.
Download the Fact Sheet here:
Location: Nextlalpan, State of Mexico
Download the Fact Sheet here:
El Salto
(Jalisco – Guadalajara Area)

With an area of +20,227m2, El Salto is strategically located at 8.1 miles from the Guadalajara International Airport and has connectivity with the Guadalajara -Colima-Manzanillo corridor as well as  to a variety of other important logistic ports. 
(Nuevo León – Monterrey Area)

First stage of the GAIA logistics campus in Nuevo León. GAIA I has a 30,000 m² area for multi-sector operations strategically located close to the border with the United States.

Location: Ciénega de Flores, NL.
Location: El Salto, Jalisco.
Download the Fact Sheet here:
Fill out the form to contact our experts and learn more about how we can help you ensure a great location for your operation.
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